We start the show with the Beauties coming back from last week’s elimination one by one. Oh Tommy, poor sweet, deluded sweater-vested Tommy. Wanting so desperately for Amber to come back and it just wasn’t going to happen. He seems to believe he will reconnect with his lost Beauty after the show is done. Cut to a clip of Amber’s statement that she will never be in touch with these people again. No supermodel for you! Leticia is particularly pleased due to the threats Amber made last week.
All are called into the study for the next challenge, which will be some sort of sports challenge. What sport is yet to be revealed. However there’s a bit of switcheroo that has to happen. Each team must trade a member. Not entire sure why, just more fucking with the perfectly fine formula. BatG how you vex me! Jillian volunteers to go off to the Geeks while Chris volunteers as well to go off to the Beauties. The extra catch with whichever team loses, the switched member is immediately eliminated with another elimination to follow of the remaining members. We have a bit of a bitch face moment from Jillian as Cowboy Joe starts huffing and puffing, ordering the poor woman around. This is a bitch face moment that is truly justified as Cowboy Joe proves himself to be much of a jerk.
Off to the yard we go with the Geeks and the Beauties with many lame attempts by the Geeks trying out various items such as Badminton (yeah, unlikely) Basketball, boxing and Football. Jonathan feels he would be completely bad, which is very likely. His type of games have nothing to do with sports or physical activity. He likes his games pure like Quake Death match. Ahh a Geek after my own heart! Randi tries to teach Greg how to box who is excited but as he sucks at sports.
Flag Football is the sport of choice at the L.A. Coliseum. Randi is afraid of bone breaking, having never played the sport before. Each team gets a bit of practice time. Cowboy Joe takes control of the Geek Tank as he apparently has some football knowledge, explaining some of the terms but no one is interested, just wanting to keep it simple. Jonathan snails his way through the tires on the field.
Chris takes control of the Beauties as his ass is on the line if his team loses. Leticia seems to appreciate this as none of the Beauties have really stepped up in that regard. He does have a much better technique than the other supposed team leader.
Cowboy Joe continues to take control of the team, calling out plays forgetting what the other Geeks said earlier about keeping it simple, continuing to throw out various football terms. No wonder in the little stat blocks that pop up his specialty was mass confusion. He does manage to simplify one thing when Jillian is told to “cover her girl” when she doesn’t know who her girl is he replies with “Pick one running your way.” Sound advice if you ask me. Chris notices their defense is weak, using that to score the first touchdown.
Geeks were down 18 to 6 nearing the end and in the next play Matt goes down and goes down hard. Despite the pain in his shoulder he was insisting on getting back up and playing. There are many tears on both teams as he gets taken off by the medics. He is able to walk off the field but the game was over for him.
Less than three minutes to go and Geeks get themselves up with 12 with a rather impressive sprint by Tommy. Considering how fit he looked last week, this does not surprise me. Chris grabs one more touchdown before the end and the Beauties have won. The Geeks did come really close so they really do have a lot to be proud of. It could have easily have been a complete slaughter.
Jillian is on her way out. Her exit is so much better than Amber’s bitchy rant last week. She is genuinely complimentary of the Geeks and wants to see them again. Little bits of the former heart of the show are creeping back so my faith is a little bit restored. It is a rather sucky way to go I have to say.
Back at the house, Leticia eagerly waits by the door to learn the fate of Matt, who enters the house with his shoulder in a brace for the next month. I broke my clavicle in elementary school (while learning to do a safety roll no less) so I feel his pain. It’s not something you can put a cast on. He is remaining in the game, well until whatever happens in elimination but I am happy no injury will keep him out.
Tiffany seems to want all the J named guys should be off to the elimination room, not quite being able to remember all their names. A group consensus does agree that Cowboy Joe has to go due to his overly aggressive nature during the game. Jonathan is considered due to his negatively during the game (and perhaps the unproven boob touching as well) The Geeks file down the stairs to meet their fate. Chris is safe from elimination but is sent over to the stairs and this week’s twist is revealed! This is moment #1 of me screaming at my TV, this in joy.
They are back to Beauty AND the Geek. No more stupid VS, just wonderful, beautiful AND!
The Beauties being the winners get to choose their Geek. For those of us having done the math (unlike Eric Cartman, I won’t forget to mention I suck at math. Seriously. Algebra made me cry) but even a math impaired sort like myself can tell we have one surplus Geek.
Again, much agonizing over choosing who they want. Cara breaks down because she really wanted Greg (battling Randi for him).
Cara gets to go first taking Chris.
Amanda, self proclaimed airhead chooses Tommy.
Leticia gets Matt. After the waiting by the stairs for him I am unsurprised. Not quite sure where the sudden connection comes from. Aside from Leticia being the one to knock him down but it’s nice to see.
Randi gets Greg like she wanted. This should be an interesting pairing. It has both the potential to be really good, and really bad depending on how much Greg is to match up to Randi’s aggressive nature
Christina is excited to choose Jason. Jason expresses much joy, having waited 23 years for some beautiful woman to want him.
Tiffany wants to work her goofy spirit to bring Jim out of his shell, much to the Beauties surprise as that was apparently not the geek she chose originally.
Jonathan and Cowboy Joe are left, with
At least things are back to normal, the way it’s supposed to be. I still feel a bit jerked around by the start of the season but I am so very glad they have returned to normal and relatively soon. Bring on the makeovers! Well it looks like it won’t be next week judging by the previews but it is a favourite of mine.
I thought the dark haired chick (I have no idea which one) was the one who knocked him down, not Leticia? I agree, though, that her waiting for him was a bit odd but I liked it. (Came from TWOP)
Hi Joanne, thanks for being my first commenter :) You could quite be right for even after watching the episode twice I could have missed that detail. It was getting late and I just wanted to get the damn post done.
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